Onboarding has become a hot topic in all industries. But it is especially important in the automotive industry. So why is that and how can your dealership capitalize on this trend?

The Why

The latest generation of workers, Millennials, have grown up in an environment of being shown everything they need to do. And because your dealership is probably in need of technicians and other employees to keep your dealership running smoothly, you might have had to hire workers that weren’t quite as skilled as you would like. It’s just the reality of low unemployment and a shift away from traditional blue-collar jobs. But there are great people out there. You just have to know how to lure them to your dealership.

How To Capitalize

I know onboarding might seem like a giant pain and not worth your time. But think about how you can use these trends to your advantage. Your dealership gets the opportunity to teach them valuable skills to help them succeed and create a better business for you. And… you get to teach them exactly how you’d like the job done.

Hopefully, as a dealership, you’re trying to build loyal employees who will say nice things about your dealership. They enjoy coming to work and they appreciate how you treat them. And in turn, they’ll speak positively about your dealership which could bring their friends, family, and other social media followers in to buy a new vehicle or have theirs repaired. This word of mouth is invaluable to your business.

Importance Of Great Management

Excellent management can make or break a business when there are just a few candidates for a bunch of job openings. Management teams that have a philosophy of onboarding new employees and training them to be their best are incredibly desirable.

So…does your management team buy into onboarding? Millennials seek out employers that make them feel good about the work that they do. And they look for employers whose culture is that of caring for the community and planet. This new generation seeks fulfillment in different ways than previous generations. And as such, owners and managers need to be on board with this change in thought.


So how can a recruiter, like Autopeople, help your dealership? We at Autopeople are in the people business. We get to know you and your dealership. We strive to find those nuggets of information that will make you stand out in this tight job market. We ask the questions and do the research to find managers that fit your business model and will help make your dealership thrive.

And as a recruiter, we have the incentive to match the right people for the right job to grow our business. If you’re ready to hire the right people, give Autopeople a call. We’re prepared to spend the time and energy to find management who’ll get on board with onboarding. Visit our website at www.apreport.wpengine.com, call 1-800-659-9501 or email me at dadragna@autopeople.com to learn what Autopeople can do for you.