As the year closes out, it’s a great time to reflect on what works and what could use some tweaking to make your dealership a pleasant, profitable environment. A good acronym to help evaluate managerial staff is R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Do your managers:
- Rely on their employees? Good management will know how to use each employee’s strengths to their advantage. This not only creates a satisfying work environment, but a real sense that employees are valuable.
- Expect realistic goals and employee commitment to help achieve them. Managers who express expectations and then acknowledge when goals are reached, improve morale.
- Speak positively about your dealership and the people that work there? Managers set the tone for the work atmosphere so what they say to employees and customers matters.
- Persevere, even when the market is down, and expectations fall short. A manager’s ability to cheer lead and change course, if necessary, can be the difference in whether a dealership finds a way to become more profitable or fall by the wayside.
- Enjoy coming to work? Positive attitude by management can make a big difference in employee engagement and overall performance.
- Convey confidence. Managers who lead their employees to do great things are generally the ones who ooze self-assurance and provide guidance without being over-bearing and micromanaging every little detail.
- Time. Does your management team actually know their employees? Do they take the time to get to know how to help them use their skills wisely for the good of the company? Management who maintains open door and respects their employees is a good place to work and will lead to less turn-over.
Has your dealership has been running based on R.E.S.P.E.C.T.? If not, you might need to make some adjustments in the coming year. At Autopeople, we are here to help you find the best people to increase profitability and function.
If you find yourself looking to change or find management for open positions in the new year, look to us at Autopeople to help find and recruit the best talent.
Have a prosperous December.
David Adragna
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