Read the latest automotive news, provided by the leading automotive recruiting firm in the nation. From automotive jobs to dealership recruiting, see what’s new in the autopeople recruiting newsletters.

How to Spot A Great Sales Manager for Your Auto Dealership

By |2022-04-10T23:21:52-05:00April 14th, 2022|Tags: , |

What goals have you set for your auto dealership this year? Chances are good that you won’t reach them unless you do one thing well.  Your ability to reach your goals depends on having great sales managers that lead your sales teams. No other role is as essential for closing [...]

Recent Car Buyers Are Interested in Home Delivery

By |2022-03-13T20:57:05-05:00March 24th, 2022|Tags: , |

Consumers have long railed against the car buying experience. It's no wonder that home delivery has become immensely popular. Buyers pay an agreed-upon price, and the car is delivered to the new owner's home. The consumer doesn't have to navigate the sales lot while avoiding salespersons teeming like sharks in [...]

How to Spot a Great CFO for Your Auto Dealership Group

By |2022-03-11T15:48:22-06:00March 10th, 2022|Tags: , |

Think your dealership group is too small to have a CFO but have accounting needs that are beyond your role as CEO? You may be surprised to learn that the value of having an interim CFO can increase value and reduce cost overall. The right CFO can help you formulate [...]

How Midsize Auto Dealerships Can Compete with the Big Dogs

By |2022-03-03T22:51:05-06:00February 24th, 2022|Tags: |

Midsize dealerships know all too well the challenges today's modern automotive market presents. Consumer buying trends change continuously. To remain competitive, dealerships must adopt new strategies in response to market need. Buyers arrive at your business armed with extensive knowledge because they've done their research. They've likely identified the vehicle [...]

How to Spot a Great Fixed Operations Director for Your Dealership

By |2022-03-03T22:51:36-06:00February 10th, 2022|Tags: |

Many auto dealers recognize that time is money. When every employee focuses on job performance, businesses operate smoothly – and with a profit. But what happens when employees aren't performing at their peak? And how would you know? Your Fixed Operations Director should know first. Furthermore, if you hired the [...]

Communication Is Vital to Successful Dealerships

By |2022-02-03T16:40:41-06:00January 27th, 2022|Tags: , |

Successful dealerships do a lot of things right to be successful. Whether you’re coordinating inventory orders, expanding your service department, or initiating a new marketing campaign, your success depends on one thing: communication. Without effective communication processes in place, your business may struggle to survive. You could lose out on [...]

How to Spot a Great Parts Manager for Your Dealership

By |2022-02-03T16:37:48-06:00January 13th, 2022|Tags: , |

A skilled parts manager can make your dealership highly successful. Their contributions in managing parts inventory and serving as a liaison between your salespeople and customers are instrumental in generating revenue while keeping costs down. Even when supply chain issues or limited vehicle inventories deplete your projected sales, your service [...]

When To Hire A Controller?

By |2022-01-11T00:39:33-06:00December 23rd, 2021|Tags: , |

Things such as filing taxes, tracking revenue, staying on top of receivables and accounts payable, managing employee reimbursements, and administering payroll are all crucial to your business. While it is relatively easy to manage these business tasks in automotive company operations, it can get challenging and increasingly complex as your [...]

Keywords To Include In Your Automotive resume

By |2022-01-02T23:20:51-06:00December 9th, 2021|Tags: , |

The automotive industry is full of opportunities for many professionals, from financial analysts to IT engineers, marketing experts, graphic designers, and more. This sector employs more than1.7 million people with even more hopefuls looking for a job. So if you are into transportation and cars and feel like pursuing a [...]

How to Spot a Stellar Automotive Service Manager

By |2021-12-09T15:17:41-06:00November 25th, 2021|Tags: , |

Are you struggling to find an ideal Automotive Service Manager who can operate both online and offline? Is it hard to figure out which manager will work best for you? Well, do not worry! Autopeople is here to help you. Having a manager with lots of experience is not enough! [...]

Change Your Mindset to Help Your Sales Team

By |2021-11-07T12:37:06-06:00November 11th, 2021|Tags: , |

The majority of managers in the automotive industry appreciate excellent performance with one thing: money. If a salesperson sells X number of cars, he will simply be paid X dollars. However, cash isn’t the only motivational factor. If you desire better outcomes, it is imperative to go deeper and explore [...]

Why Auto Dealerships are Increasingly Using Recruiters

By |2021-10-18T11:29:24-05:00October 18th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Running an auto dealership is no easy task. Multiple facets need constant attention, and while juggling all these tasks can be daunting, the added pressure of hiring can become frustrating. Here are the reasons why auto dealerships are reaching out to recruitment agencies who can take over this time-consuming and [...]

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